Update 2.0
The clan's 2 maps are coming along wonderfully, ive been working extra hard on getting secret areas setup in the country
side, as well as making good training courses in the temple, as well as some goodies like member rooms and whatnot, wich will
be filled with basic furniture as i am still learning how to make the basic furniture, but it will be updated and upgraded
as time goes on.
Also, Onite has decided to resign leaving to make his own clan, but loyalties that are quick to change, are loyalties
untrusted, so im doubting his abilities as a leader, but will support him with anything he needs for his new clan.
I need a few good skinners and modelers together sometime soon for a full fledged JA+ partition to the >|PM|< clan,
if anyone has questions on this contact me at Onirele on xfire, if you do not have xfire, you can get it at http://xfire.com

Update 1.0
Phantom Myth is a growing clan, who's goals are to run a clan with less drama then the typical clan, reduction of drama
is achieved through a strict yet sometimes lenient on some points 'System' wich could be better explained on the forums...
So far there have been a few drama makers, and a few 'leaders' quitting because there was nothing going on, although
i have been planning 2 maps for quite some time, and have been trying to debug them and make them better before release.
I'm going to be updating this site hopefully every day so nobody is out of the loop, wich i know alot of clans ussualy
leave members out of the news that needs to be known, so im going to allow everything to be seen, this clan emphasizes on
getting your words out, but also respect, if you cant say anything within decency, the post will be removed.