Phantom Myth Clan

Phantoms Code

Maps by the >|PM|< Clan

                                       Phantom Country Side
     The phantom country side is a big place with a few secrets, some nice homes, and plenty of flat space for vehicle play, and dueling...
     The Shooting Range
The shooting range will be a nice place for people to have gun battles, and stealth practice.
                                            Phantom Temple 0.01
     A Beta map for the PM clan, where there will be training courses for wall running, sabering, shooting, crowd control, ninja style sabering, wall grabs, secret finding, trap evasion, and best of the bunch of skills to learn, Phantom Style Stealth Fighting, wich is an art where you completely evade the players camera, while slicing the person down.

Any map ideas, and/or files you want uploaded (your own maps)
Then of course, contact Onirele at onirele, on Xfire, if you dont have xfire, you can find it at